
Archive for the ‘Personal’ Category

Gifts for Geeks # 2 – As good as Classic Trek!

November 24th, 2010 No comments

One of the best television series’ in history was probably unknown to many of you. The show was called Farscape and was, and I don’t say this lightly, as good as Classic Star Trek. I could rhapsodize for hours on the quality of the ensemble cast, the live-action puppetry (this ain’t no Thunderbirds) the ‘look and feel’ of the show, the humor, the kink, the real sense of ongoing character arc and the incredible warmth and passion for the project from cast and crew that flowed like Niagra Falls from the screen.

That this show was ‘saved from a cliffhanger cancellation’ by fan activism on the intertubes was another aspect of this show that makes it Geek-Cool.

More info at

There is not, remotely, enough good to say about this show. If you know a geek, buy him or her this for the holidays. If you’re a geek and don’t have it yet, get yourself a copy….now.

Frell me dead, this show was great and I miss it!

When you buy anything at Amazon following the little advert above, Amazon kicks me back a little money and you don’t spend a dime extra. Everybody wins.

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Better Beatles

November 21st, 2010 3 comments

There’s all sorts of business and rights complexities involved in licensing media for use online and worse for selling it as a downloadable. I don’t blame Apple for this, I don’t even blame Yoko, Ringo, Paul and the Harrison estate but I do pass this on to you so you can get more value for less money.

You can buy an uncompressed copy of the Beatles’ Box Set on media more durable and archival than any hard drive, the ability to play this great music in your older car without an iPod interface plus some attractive printed materials all gathered into a glossy black box including little satin pull-tabs to help you access any of the albums.

Extra bonus? You can convert the uncompressed copy to any format you like and play great music on any device you like. Even cassette if you have the hardware to do the conversion.

Aaaaaaandd…. you can get all this for less money!

Remind me again why CD’s are a bad thing.

When you buy anything at Amazon following the link above, Amazon kicks me back a little money and you don’t spend a dime extra. Everybody wins.

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Categories: DRM, Intellectual Poperty, Media, Music, Personal Tags:

Hire a real designer/illustrator

October 25th, 2010 2 comments

I know how to use Photoshop. I know things about Photoshop that some of the most brilliantly talented and award winning advanced degree’d amazing designers I know don’t know about Photoshop. I’m pretty damned good at sharpening pencils with a pocket knife too. Doesn’t mean I can draw.

I’m hardly visually clueless, I’m a photographer, by some definitions a professional photographer*, and, not to blow my own horn (to much),  I am a pretty damned good lighting designer because that was my profession for more than a decade.

What I am not is a graphic designer or illustrator. No matter how often I do it when the stakes are low and I can get by, sort of, I am not the right guy to do that job. I can be the right guy to work with designers, even to manage them on a project but I’m not the right guy to do it. When you need visual designer or an illustrator, hire one. Don’t kid yourself into thinking that because you know how to use the tools, or think you do, that you have the talent or training to do a job that’s at least as complex, refined, subtle and demanding of expert skills as being a PHP and MySQL coder.

A ‘web designer’ is a non-existent creature. There are graphic and UE designers, Illustrators, UE coders and back-end coders. There are Producers, there are Writers and there are Editors. Anyone who claims to be all of those things isn’t. Being multi-talented isn’t being multi-expert. Are you of more benefit to your team if you have more than one skill? Of course! Are you the team? No.

Contrary to intuition, it’s NOT more cost effective to hire a ‘web designer’ than it is to hire a producer, designer and developer who can work together. It’s only cheaper. Cheaper as in shoddy and a bad investment. Cheaper as in, you’ll fail or pay for a do-over.

Thanks to one of the most talented designer/illustrators I know for letting me hire him to render, well, me.

Caricature of Jon Alper
Rick Pinchera rocks! Know what the most fun aspect of this was? Not giving him any photo to reference or feedback to make him iterate and just letting him see me as he remembered. It’s depressingly faithful (I really do have a that good a face for radio) and it’s marvelously whimsical. Thank you Rick!

* Some define ‘professional photographer” as a person who gets paid to take photographs. I prefer the narrower, definition; someone who earns their primary livelihood taking photographs and that is not me.

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