Home > Inspiration, Tools > Gifts for Geeks # 1 – Fisher Space Pen

Gifts for Geeks # 1 – Fisher Space Pen

Post number one in a series of pre-holiday posts about great gifts for geeks.

The Fisher Space pen comes in a variety of styles, most of which are elegantly minimalist in design. The most common elongated capsule shaped models include a snap on pocket clip and, when the cap is reversed onto the tail end of the pen, become longer and more comfortable to write with.
What makes these killer affordable geek gifts isn’t actually the apparently true history of the pens as tested for and used in manned space flight but why they would pass those tests.

They write upside down and underwater and function at temperature extremes. They are simply, the perfect glovebox, bike saddle, or camping pen. The perfect ‘always have a pen in the ditty bag’ pen. The ideal ‘tool pen’. No leaking, no failing when needed most.

A word of warning, the snap-on pocket clip can come off so best clipped inside something rather than onto something.

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