
Archive for the ‘Inspiration’ Category

WordPress Hint – Buzzword Bowdlerize

September 10th, 2010 No comments

Did you know you can edit the PHP files of WordPress and remove ridiculous Web 2.0 buzzwords like ‘Blogroll’ and ‘Tag Cloud’ from your site? Did you know you don’t even need BBEdit to do this though you should get BBEdit anyway.  and still get the useful ‘Tags for this post’ and a handy list of links you want to have show in your sidebar?

Easy as pie! Just click ‘Appearance’ then choose ‘Editor’ and select ‘sidebar.php. Once there change the static text between the <h3> tags for the relevant headings.

Bear in mind, when you update WordPress, you’ll have to do this again but it’s worth it so you too can make your blog read like you haven’t fallen for the curvy-corner hogwash any more than I have.

– Jon

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