A band I lit more than a few shows for, Figures On A Beach, has a basic website up and their songs available for sale on iTunes.
I’m happy. I missed these songs.
http://www.figuresonabeach.com/ Click past the silly self defeating intro page.
The real cost of free by Cory Doctorow. Â Go read. Seriously.. now.. go.. shoo.. coffee and donuts will be here when you get back.
State of Minnesota Signs Historic Cloud Computing Agreement With Microsoft
By making this agreement with Microsoft at this stage in the evolution of ‘cloud computing’ and of Microsoft’s online app development, we will all benefit from the results.  Well, all of us except those who live in, or rely on doing business with the state of  Minnesota. Mark my words, this will get MESSY. Shame too, I kinda like Minnesota.
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10.4.10 -Â Microsoft’s Office Web Apps: So far, pretty so-so